Is Halloween Cancelled?

This year is a little different for Halloween with the world being in a pandemic - national events everywhere have been cancelled or turned into virtual ones. One of the biggest activities Halloween is known for is Trick-or-Treating and this year that won’t be happening due to social distancing. But, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any other options to still let your kids have some sort of Halloween experience. This is where parents and families have to get creative.

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Here are some fun activities to try out this weekend:

  1. Trunk - or - Treat: A safe and socially distanced way to still get your candy. The candy will be placed in the trunk of your car so that it prevents anyone from having to interact.

  2. Put out candy in the yard so that people can just grab them when they pass by your house.

  3. Decorate your house and go all out - people love to drive by and see all the creative and spooky decorations

  4. Carve Pumpkins

  5. Host a virtual costume contest

  6. Have a scary movie marathon

  7. Bake yummy Halloween themed treats!

For more ideas, read this article.

Because the weather is starting to cool down, make sure your propane tanks are filled and ready to be put to use. Get nice and cozy by the fireplace and have some warm apple cider! Bring everyone “closer” through these activities that still make the holidays fun and special.

From our Ted Johnson Propane family to yours, Happy Halloween!


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